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LAP staff currently includes a full- time associate director, 两名专职高级顾问, 还有一个兼职外展 & 教育协调员. 工作人员 are supported by the Lawyer Assistance Committee (虫胶) members and volunteers. 的 虫胶 是一个固定的D.C. 酒吧 committee of up to thirteen lawyer members and one non lawyer member. In addition, many 虫胶 volunteers assist the LAP mission.

丹尼斯J. Perme, LICSW has over 25 years of experience in 咨询 and mental health, with a focus in mental health 以及物质使用障碍. She has supervised clinical staff and managed the LAP since 2006. 她得了B.A. in Psychology and an MSW from the University of Maryland School of Social Work, with a concentration in Occupational Social Work. Denise is licensed to practice clinical social work in Maryland and the District of Columbia. She has presented a wide variety of trainings and educational seminars to folks in public and the private sector while working in the D.C. 酒吧 LAP and for two national EAP providers.


妮基爱尔兰外展 & 教育协调员
妮基L. 爱尔兰, LICSW has over 15 years of experience in the mental health field, with a focus on wellbeing and addiction. For over ten years she served as the 高级顾问 for the D.C. 酒吧 澳博app援助计划 (LAP), providing lawyers and law students with addiction and mental health assessments, 咨询, 咨询和心理教育. Niki currently serves as the 外展 and 教育协调员 for the LAP providing a variety of trainings and educational seminars to law schools, 法律的雇主, 志愿澳博app协会, 以及其他法律组织. 尼基的成绩是B.S. in Psychology and 家庭 Studies and an MSW from the University of Maryland School of Social Work, with a concentration in Employee Assistance 项目. She is licensed to practice clinical social work in the District of Columbia.


沙龙Greenbaum, LICSW provides lawyers and law students with addiction and mental health assessments, 咨询, 咨询, 和心理教育. She has over 10 years of experience in 咨询 and mental health. 莎伦得了B.A. 心理学与女性, 性别, and Sexuality Studies from 的 George Washington University and an MSW from 的 Catholic University of America. She is licensed to practice clinical social work in the District of Columbia and Virginia.


杰西约阿希姆, LPC的, LCPC provides lawyers and law students with addiction and mental health assessments, 咨询, 咨询和心理教育. She has over 10 years of experience in 咨询 with a focus in mental health, 弹性, 以及物质使用障碍. 杰西有个B.A. in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Community Counseling, with a concentration on Employee Assistance Counseling from Argosy University. She is licensed to practice professional 咨询 in the District of Columbia and Maryland.
